Your Coach is Your ACE in the Hole

That's right, Coach Awesome is your ACE in the hole! We know you love your coach, because we're all awesome! Right? Ok, be nice! Regardless of your answer, your coach plays a major part in the college recruiting process. Of course they train you and make you a better player, but they can also be an ACE. Let's take a closer look...
A stands for ADVICE. As you navigate the process and maybe become a little lost or confused, reach out to your coach. They are glad to help and probably went through the same process that you did. They made mistakes, which they can help you avoid and they did a lot of things right, which can assist you in moving forward. So ask your coach.
C stands for CONTACTS! More than likely, your coach has been in contact for one reason or another with a number of college coaches. They can help you contact them or drop an e-mail to them to help you out. They can also let you know what they think of the coach and the program. You want to make sure that you fit in and it's a program that fits you. So talk to your coach.
E stands for ENCOURAGEMENT! Once you engage your coach, they will serve as a good sounding board, source of advice and cheerleader. There will be some moments in the process where you're feeling a little down or maybe a little less than motivated. That's the time to let someone know. Talk it through and get back on track. I guarantee that you'll feel better after you talk. So consult your coach.
I've spent a lot of time helping players through the process and a lot of time just listening. I always find it most productive to just let the player talk when they need to, vent when they are down or celebrate when things are going great. It's all part of the process.
Reach out to your coach, they're more than willing to help and they just may turn out to be your ACE in the hole...